Live Your Life in BOLD, Italicized, and Underlined!

equine industry inspiration keynote speaker Aug 08, 2024
Author's picture with title of article

Right now, someone has the same goal as you and THEY ARE STICKING WITH THE PLAN! 

Let it be you with the amazing story one year from now.  Let it be you that others look up to gain strength to achieve their goal.  Consistency is the key to achieving all goals.  If you are reading this article, then you have seen all the pictures in the magazine of people living their life in what I like to call “Bold, Italicized, and Underlined”.  Their adventures are main parts of the chapters in their life! 

If 2020 taught me anything it’s that you need to live your life now and not wait for a better time.  There might not be a better time and you are not guaranteed anything.  If you are an aging rider, you will not be any younger than you are right now.  Regret is going to be a hard pill to swallow when you realize you no longer are able to do the very thing you can do right now!

If your horse/mule isn’t ready, get it ready!

If you can’t get it ready, hire someone to get it ready!

If you do not know where you want to go and ride, ask people, and write them down!

If you want to compete but never have, what are you waiting on?


Make a plan!

Country Tough Trail Versatility has grown every year since it began in 2018.  The majority of the competitors have never competed and come alone.  They sign up for the clinics the day before the competition.  And you know what?  They excel.  The first-time competitors are so nervous that they absorb the new knowledge like a sponge.  Typically, there are a few low placements in the first few competitions, but then the turbo jets are turned on.  Those first-time competitors rise to the top quickly. 

The Country Tough Trail Versatility (CT2V) Series runs from April through July.  More information can be found at

Want to make sure you stick to your plan and do not cancel!  Call and put your money down for reservations or even PAY IN FULL!  When you risk losing out on money, you are extremely more likely to follow through!  There’s a world out there that is waiting on you.  Go get it, tiger!

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