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Fawna Henke: Beef Advocate, American Cattle Rancher, and the Recipe to Success business strategies women owned Dec 05, 2023

Fawna Henke


Brandy Von Holten, Fawna Henke, Transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier


Brandy Von Holten  00:06

today's interview is with Fawna Henke, a new age cattle ranch manager and aspiring daily devotional writer. This is her story about her journey to become a beef advocate and manage 1...

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Magen Warlick: Mental Mindset of a Champion equine industry goal setting motivational stories women owned Jul 28, 2022

Magen Warlick


Brandy Von Holten, Magen Warlick, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier

Brandy Von Holten 00:07

This week's interview is with Megan Warlick. She has evolved as a horse woman from three-day eventing, to a world champion extreme cowboy racer. She has now set her sights on cow hor...

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