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Abigail Hoffman: Clinton Anderson Clinician
Wed, Aug 09, 2023 10:47AM • 35:55
Brandy Von Holten, Abigail Hoffman
Brandy Von Holten 00:09
welcome back to Big Boss Mare with brandy von Holten. Today I have someone by the name of Abigail Hoffman, and she is a clinician at von Holten r...
Ashley Raetz
Brandy Von Holten, Ashley Raetz, (transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier)
Brandy Von Holten 00:10
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare. This is Brandy Von Holten. Today's guest is Ashley Raetz. Alright, so Ashley, you and I share something in common. We were married in the same y...
Brandy Von Holten, Scott Simms, Transcribed by Rhiannon Neimeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:15
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten. Today I have someone by the name of Scott Simms. Scott has known me since 2013 2014. Around that time. Whenever I had first started obstacle...
Brandy Von Holten, Bailey Marriott, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:16
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten. Today I have a lady that I have known since we opened up Von Holten Ranch Her name is Bailey Marriot. I've been calling her by the wrong ...
Brandy Von Holten, Sean Beaver, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:12
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten. Today I have a very special guest. His name is Sean Beaver. I saw his company on Facebook because of one of my good friends. Her name is Robin...
SPEAKERS Brandy Von Holten, Alina Shcherbina, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:10
Welcome back to Big Boss Mare with Brandy Von Holten. Today I have someone by the name of Alina Shcherbina, and that is actually her name, it rhymes a little bit. So, Elena, do you ever have a...
Brandy Von Holten, Elizabeth Hartin, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:13
Today's interview is with Elizabeth Hartin, an established trainer and horsewoman. This is her story about choosing her horses health over a prestigious competition. Doing the right thing is...
Brandy Von Holten, Elizabeth Hartin, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:13
Today's interview is with Elizabeth Hartin, an established trainer and horsewoman. This is her story about choosing her horses health over a prestigious competition. Doing the right thing i...
Dawn Eich Human Trafficking Survivor
Interviewers: Brandy Von Holten, Dawn Eich, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Today's interview is with Dawn Eich. Not only is she an instrumental person in helping human and sex trafficking victims, but she is also a survivor. Dawn has taken the energy...
Brandy Von Holten, Angela Ammons
Brandy Von Holten 00:04
Today's interview is with Angela Ammons, a friend and frequent trail guest at Von Holten Ranch. This is her story about her two-year journey to win the Country Tough Trail Versatility National Championship. Angela has a congeni...
BVH-Today's interview is with Toby Dorr, a woman with a felony conviction. She found herself in the lowest point possible in prison, on suicide watch. While in prison, she was able to firsthand see the need to help the brokenness of female inmates. She has now been approached by Dateline and Lifetim...
Erica Petersen Bank Vice President
Brandy Von Holten, Erica Petersen, transcribed by Rhiannon Niemeier
Brandy Von Holten 00:11
It is my pleasure to introduce Erica Petersen. She is one of the Vice Presidents at Central Bank in Sedalia, Missouri. She is also the Business Development...
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